Share of Voice (SOV)

October 22, 2024



Share of Voice (SOV) is a metric used in marketing and advertising to measure a brand’s presence and visibility in relation to its competitors within a given market or platform. In simple terms, it reflects how much a brand “owns” in terms of audience attention compared to others in the same space. Typically expressed as a percentage, the share of voice can apply to various channels, including TV, radio, social media, and digital advertising.

The concept of share of voice helps companies understand their standing in the market. It tracks how much “space” they occupy in the consumer’s mind compared to other brands. For example, if a brand’s ads are seen 30% of the time in a specific industry, its share of voice is 30%. This can be calculated based on factors like impressions, mentions, or ad spend.

How to Calculate Share of Voice

Share of voice is typically calculated using the following formula:

 SOV=(Brand’s Mentions or Ad Spend/Total Market Mentions or Ad Spend​)×100

For example, if your brand received 20 mentions out of 100 total mentions in the market, your share of voice would be 20%.

Benefits of Measuring Share of Voice

  1. Benchmarking Performance: SOV allows you to see how your visibility compares to competitors.
  2. Improving Strategy: Identifying a low share of voice can help you adjust marketing strategies.
  3. Boosting Brand Awareness: Increasing SOV can lead to higher brand recognition and customer loyalty.
  4. Tracking Growth: It helps track the effectiveness of marketing efforts over time.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is the share of voice in marketing? 

A1: Share of voice measures the percentage of market attention your brand receives compared to competitors.

Q2. How do I calculate share of voice (SOV)? 

A2: You calculate it by dividing your brand’s mentions or ad spend by the total mentions or ad spend in the market, then multiplying by 100.

Q3. Why is share of voice important? 

A3: SOV helps brands understand their competitive standing and the reach of their marketing efforts.

Q4. What is a strong share of voice? 

A4: A higher share of voice, often above 25-30%, indicates significant visibility and market presence.

Q5. How can I increase my brand’s share of voice? 

A5: You can increase SOV by enhancing advertising efforts, engaging on social media, and creating more impactful content.

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