Unlock Your Shopify Store's Full Potential with Grocliq's Shopify SEO Services

Get result-driven SEO Results for your Shopify Store in Less time with AI-Powered SEO.

Excellent 4.9 out of 5 ratings at

We have delivered results for 220+ eCom & SaaS brands


Comprehensive SEO Services for Shopify: Unlock Your Store’s Potential

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Our SEO services are geared towards improving your website's visibility on search engines, driving organic traffic, and maximizing conversion opportunities. We conduct thorough keyword research, optimize on-page elements, create high-quality content, and implement strategic link-building strategies to enhance your search engine rankings.

Link Building

Building a strong backlink profile is crucial for establishing your store's authority and credibility in the eyes of search engines. Our link-building strategies focus on acquiring high-quality, relevant backlinks from authoritative sources, helping to improve your store's rankings and visibility over time.

Keyword Research

We perform in-depth keyword research to identify the most relevant and high-converting keywords for your Shopify store. By strategically optimizing your site's content and metadata, we ensure that it ranks prominently for target keywords and attracts qualified traffic.

Content Marketing

Content is the backbone of any successful SEO strategy. We develop a targeted content strategy tailored to your Shopify store's niche and audience, creating engaging and optimized content that attracts and retains visitors while driving organic traffic and conversions.

Our Process: Custom Shopify SEO Solutions for Online Retail SuccessCustomized Solutions for Digital Success

Here’s how it all goes down:

Comprehensive Discovery Session

We begin with a deep dive into your business goals, understanding the specific challenges and opportunities of your Shopify store, and identifying your target audience to ensure our strategies are perfectly aligned with your objectives.

Detailed Shopify SEO Audit

Utilizing advanced AI tools, we meticulously assess the SEO health of your Shopify site, pinpointing technical, content, and user experience improvements. This audit lays the groundwork for targeted strategies that address your store's unique needs.

Detailed Shopify SEO Audit

Utilizing advanced AI tools, we meticulously assess the SEO health of your Shopify site, pinpointing technical, content, and user experience improvements. This audit lays the groundwork for targeted strategies that address your store's unique needs.

Customized Strategy Development

Drawing from the audit insights, we craft a bespoke SEO strategy for your Shopify store. This strategy is designed to boost your visibility in search engine results, focusing on driving more traffic, enhancing product visibility, and ultimately increasing sales.

Strategic Implementation and Optimization

We put our plan into action, optimizing your Shopify store for both on-page and off-page SEO. This includes refining product descriptions, improving site architecture, and executing a content marketing strategy that engages and converts your target audience.

Strategic Implementation and Optimization

We put our plan into action, optimizing your Shopify store for both on-page and off-page SEO. This includes refining product descriptions, improving site architecture, and executing a content marketing strategy that engages and converts your target audience.

Ongoing Performance Monitoring

SEO is an iterative process. We continuously monitor the performance of your Shopify store, leveraging real-time data to make informed adjustments. This approach ensures that your SEO strategy evolves with search engine algorithms and market trends.

Transparent Reporting and Insights

You're kept in the loop with regular, clear reports detailing your SEO progress and results. These insights provide a transparent overview of how our SEO efforts are contributing to your Shopify store's growth and helping you achieve your business objectives.

Transparent Reporting and Insights

You're kept in the loop with regular, clear reports detailing your SEO progress and results. These insights provide a transparent overview of how our SEO efforts are contributing to your Shopify store's growth and helping you achieve your business objectives.

Get Started with Grocliq's Shopify SEO Services

Ready to take your Shopify store to the next level with our expert SEO services? Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn how we can help you achieve your goals. With Grocliq by your side, you'll have the tools and expertise you need to succeed in the competitive world of e-commerce. Let's grow your Shopify business together!
See how we're helping
brands get 100% more results

1000 to 3M+ traffic in 11
months: Growth transformation
for a SaaS Company.

Unlocking Organic Growth for an
ed-tech Startup: Traffic Growth
from 25k to 180k

Been burned by other agencies before? Many
of our clients have too.

But believe us when we say that our search engine optimization agency isn’t like other agencies. Really.

Take a look at how we’re different:

Other SEO agencies vs Grocliq


Typical SEO agency

In-house SEO

Results our clients can feel

We focus on the biggest opportunities your business has to quickly grow your search footprint, identifying major shortcomings, low hanging fruit, and giving your team a system to follow for future website updates and production to ensure you only grow when you’re working with us.

Frequently Asked Questions

SEO is a gradual process, and the timeline for seeing results can vary depending on factors such as the competitiveness of your niche and the current state of your website. Typically, you can expect to see noticeable improvements within 3 to 6 months, with more significant results over time.

Yes, some changes may be necessary to optimize your Shopify store for search engines. This could include optimizing meta titles and descriptions, improving site speed, enhancing mobile-friendliness, and creating quality content. Our team will work closely with you to implement these changes seamlessly.

While we cannot guarantee specific rankings, we are committed to implementing effective SEO strategies that improve your store’s visibility and search engine rankings over time. Our goal is to help you achieve sustainable growth and maximize your store’s potential in the competitive online marketplace.

Yes, we offer ongoing SEO maintenance and support to ensure that your Shopify store continues to perform well in search results. This includes monitoring performance, making necessary adjustments, and staying up-to-date with algorithm changes and industry trends.

The cost of our Shopify SEO services depends on various factors, including the size of your store, the scope of work required, and your specific goals and objectives. We offer customized pricing plans tailored to meet your budget and needs. Contact us for a personalized quote and consultation.

Rated 4.9 / 5 stars




For small business owners and freelancers


For agencies and teams looking to scale up with AI


For mid-sized agencies & marketing teams






Page optimization




Topical authority and Semantic SEO












News Publication and PR

200 Sites

200 Sites

Conversion Rate

Included (2% gurantee)

Included (2% gurantee)

Analysis and Setup

Search Console - Setup & Review

User behaviour and heatmap tool

Ahref Setup

Competitors analysis & Report




Website audit

Google penality check

On-Page SEO





Page optimization




Keywords clustering

Meta Tags Optimization


Schema addon

Shareable Content Recommendations - Service/Blogs

Alt tags



Canonical Recommendations

Image Optimization



Guranteed Publication on News and High Authority Sites



Minimum link. gurantee



Ecommerce SEO

Technical SEO

Robots.txt Creation & Optimization

XML Sitemap Creation & Submission

Topical Authority and Building

Website Technical Audit

Website Technical Audit resolution

Bad Redirects Check

SSL Check


Strategic SEO Consulting Sessions (1hr)

Custom Tracking Dashboard, Weekly Updates, SEO

KPI Reporting


Report Frequency




Keywords Ranking report

Backlink Report

Core Web Vitals Report

Customised KPIs Reporting

Ecommerce Conversion Rate Report

We share what works

Read our industry-leading guides that explain our
approach to the different services we offer.

SEO Handbook

Welcome to our free resource handbook for everything about SEO. We’ve put together various articles to help you turn SEO into a key MRR-driving channel 

Marketing Resources to help your Business

Learn how to market your  business using the same strategies and tactics we use for our clients.

Complete SEO Glossary

Explore the key terms in SEO  through our dynamic Marketing Glossary. Access valuable content crafted around each term, providing real-world insights and experiences.

The Comprehensive Guide To SaaS SEO

delve into the foundational elements of SaaS SEO, exploring what it entails, how it differs from traditional SEO, and its significance in driving business growth for SaaS companies.

We Build Profitable SEO Funnel

Get result-driven SEO Results in Less time with AI-Powered SEO.