Healthcare SEO Services by Grocliq

Elevating Patient Care through Search Excellence

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We have delivered results for 220+ eCom & SaaS brands


Our Comprehensive Healthcare SEO Strategy

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

For healthcare websites, SEO starts with ensuring your site is technically sound, mobile-friendly, and fast-loading. We then optimize each page for HIPAA compliance, patient privacy, and relevant medical keywords, ensuring your services meet potential patients right when they need them.

Link Building

Building authoritative backlinks from reputable healthcare and medical websites is crucial. We focus on establishing partnerships and guest posting opportunities with industry leaders to enhance your site's credibility and authority, which is vital for ranking in a competitive healthcare market.

Keyword Research

Keyword research in healthcare SEO goes beyond basic terms, incorporating long-tail keywords and patient-centric language. We identify the terms patients use when seeking medical information or services, ensuring your content directly addresses their concerns and questions.

Content Marketing

Content marketing for healthcare involves creating informative, engaging content that adheres to medical accuracy and compliance. From blog posts on health tips to detailed service explanations, our content strategy aims to educate your audience, build trust, and position your site as a trusted authority in the healthcare field.

Our Healthcare SEO Service Process: Customized Pathways to Digital Success

Here’s how it all goes down:

Comprehensive Discovery Session

We begin with a deep dive into your healthcare organization's objectives, the challenges you face online, and the distinct characteristics of your services. This initial step ensures we fully understand the landscape in which we'll be optimizing your SEO efforts.

Advanced SEO Health Evaluation

Leveraging cutting-edge AI technology, we meticulously evaluate your existing digital footprint to pinpoint areas needing enhancement. This thorough analysis forms the backbone of our targeted SEO strategy.

Advanced SEO Health Evaluation

Leveraging cutting-edge AI technology, we meticulously evaluate your existing digital footprint to pinpoint areas needing enhancement. This thorough analysis forms the backbone of our targeted SEO strategy.

Strategic SEO Blueprint Creation

With a clear understanding of your goals and the current state of your online presence, we tailor a bespoke SEO strategy. This plan is meticulously designed to resonate with your healthcare mission and the specific needs of your patients.

Holistic SEO Implementation and Refinement

We employ industry-leading practices in both on-site and off-site SEO, alongside specialized content marketing and local SEO tactics. Our approach is designed to not only boost your online visibility but also to foster deeper engagement with potential and existing patients.

Holistic SEO Implementation and Refinement

We employ industry-leading practices in both on-site and off-site SEO, alongside specialized content marketing and local SEO tactics. Our approach is designed to not only boost your online visibility but also to foster deeper engagement with potential and existing patients.

Rigorous Performance Monitoring

Our commitment to your success is ongoing. We continuously monitor the effectiveness of our SEO strategies, using real-time data to make informed adjustments. This ensures your digital presence remains optimized for the highest levels of patient engagement and visibility.

Transparent and Insightful Reporting

Transparency is key to our partnership. We provide detailed, understandable reports on your SEO campaign's performance, offering insights into progress, areas for improvement, and the tangible results of our collaborative efforts.

Transparent and Insightful Reporting

Transparency is key to our partnership. We provide detailed, understandable reports on your SEO campaign's performance, offering insights into progress, areas for improvement, and the tangible results of our collaborative efforts.

Elevate Your Healthcare Service with Grocliq

Ready to dominate the real estate market in your area? Contact today to schedule a free consultation. Let's discuss how our Real Estate SEO services can help your business grow.
See how we're helping
brands get 100% more results

1000 to 3M+ traffic in 11
months: Growth transformation
for a SaaS Company.

Unlocking Organic Growth for an
ed-tech Startup: Traffic Growth
from 25k to 180k

Been burned by other agencies before? Many
of our clients have too.

But believe us when we say that our search engine optimization agency isn’t like other agencies. Really.

Take a look at how we’re different:

Other SEO agencies vs Grocliq


Typical SEO agency

In-house SEO

Results our clients can feel

We focus on the biggest opportunities your business has to quickly grow your search footprint, identifying major shortcomings, low hanging fruit, and giving your team a system to follow for future website updates and production to ensure you only grow when you’re working with us.

Frequently Asked Questions

Healthcare SEO involves optimizing your healthcare organization’s online presence to improve visibility in search engine results, making it easier for patients to find and access your services. It includes keyword research, content optimization, technical SEO, and local SEO strategies tailored to the healthcare industry.

Results from Healthcare SEO can typically be seen within 3 to 6 months, but it varies based on the competitiveness of the keywords, the current state of your website, and ongoing SEO efforts. SEO is a long-term strategy, with continuous improvements leading to more significant gains over time.

Yes, effective Healthcare SEO can significantly improve patient acquisition. By increasing your visibility in search engine results for relevant queries, you attract more targeted traffic to your site, which can lead to increased patient inquiries and appointments.

Local SEO is crucial for healthcare providers because it optimizes your online presence for local search queries. This means when potential patients search for healthcare services in their area, your organization appears prominently in search results, making it easier for them to choose your services.

Rated 4.9 / 5 stars




For small business owners and freelancers


For agencies and teams looking to scale up with AI


For mid-sized agencies & marketing teams






Page optimization




Topical authority and Semantic SEO












News Publication and PR

200 Sites

200 Sites

Conversion Rate

Included (2% gurantee)

Included (2% gurantee)

Analysis and Setup

Search Console - Setup & Review

User behaviour and heatmap tool

Ahref Setup

Competitors analysis & Report




Website audit

Google penality check

On-Page SEO





Page optimization




Keywords clustering

Meta Tags Optimization


Schema addon

Shareable Content Recommendations - Service/Blogs

Alt tags



Canonical Recommendations

Image Optimization



Guranteed Publication on News and High Authority Sites



Minimum link. gurantee



Ecommerce SEO

Technical SEO

Robots.txt Creation & Optimization

XML Sitemap Creation & Submission

Topical Authority and Building

Website Technical Audit

Website Technical Audit resolution

Bad Redirects Check

SSL Check


Strategic SEO Consulting Sessions (1hr)

Custom Tracking Dashboard, Weekly Updates, SEO

KPI Reporting


Report Frequency




Keywords Ranking report

Backlink Report

Core Web Vitals Report

Customised KPIs Reporting

Ecommerce Conversion Rate Report

We share what works

Read our industry-leading guides that explain our
approach to the different services we offer.

SEO Handbook

Welcome to our free resource handbook for everything about SEO. We’ve put together various articles to help you turn SEO into a key MRR-driving channel 

Marketing Resources to help your Business

Learn how to market your  business using the same strategies and tactics we use for our clients.

Complete SEO Glossary

Explore the key terms in SEO  through our dynamic Marketing Glossary. Access valuable content crafted around each term, providing real-world insights and experiences.

The Comprehensive Guide To SaaS SEO

delve into the foundational elements of SaaS SEO, exploring what it entails, how it differs from traditional SEO, and its significance in driving business growth for SaaS companies.

We Build Profitable SEO Funnel

Get result-driven SEO Results in Less time with AI-Powered SEO.