Hyperlink Has Both href and onclick Attribute


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In HTML, a hyperlink with both the 'href' and 'onclick' attributes provides developers with a way to create dynamic interactions on web pages. The 'href' attribute specifies the URL of the page the link navigates to, while the 'onclick' attribute executes JavaScript code when the link is clicked.

Usage and Functionality: When both attributes are present, the 'href' attribute ensures that the link functions as expected, even if JavaScript is disabled or not supported by the browser. Meanwhile, the 'onclick' attribute allows developers to perform additional actions, such as tracking clicks or displaying pop-up messages, using JavaScript.


<a href="" onclick="trackClick(event)">Click me</a>

In this example, clicking the link navigates to “” while also executing the JavaScript function 'trackClick()'.


  • Enhanced Functionality: Provides flexibility in defining the link’s behavior, allowing for additional actions beyond basic navigation.
  • User Interaction: Enables developers to create interactive elements that engage users and enhance their browsing experience.
  • Tracking and Analytics: Facilitates tracking link clicks and user interactions for analytics and marketing purposes.

FAQs about Hyperlink Has Both href and onclick Attribute:

What is a hyperlink with both href and onclick attributes?
A hyperlink in HTML code that contains both the 'href' attribute, specifying the destination URL, and the 'onclick' attribute, defining a JavaScript function to execute when the link is clicked.

Why would you use both attributes in a hyperlink?
Using both attributes provides flexibility in defining the link’s behavior. The href attribute ensures basic functionality, while the onclick attribute allows for additional JavaScript actions, enhancing user experience or tracking interactions.

What are some common use cases for hyperlinks with both attributes?
Common use cases include tracking link clicks for analytics purposes, displaying pop-up messages or confirmation dialogs, and performing additional actions before or after navigating to the destination URL.

Are there any considerations when using hyperlinks with both href and onclick attributes?
Yes, it’s crucial to ensure that the additional JavaScript code executed via the 'onclick' attribute enhances user experience and doesn’t interfere with the link’s primary functionality. Also, consider accessibility to ensure all users can navigate the website effectively.

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