Magento SEO Services by Grocliq

Get result-driven SEO Results for your Magento Store in Less time with AI-Powered SEO.

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We have delivered results for 220+ eCom & SaaS brands


Our Comprehesive SEO Services For Magento Store

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

For Magento stores, we dive deep into technical and on-page SEO. We ensure your store's structure is optimized for search engines, focusing on speed, mobile responsiveness, and user experience. Our on-page efforts make sure your products and categories rank for relevant search queries.

Link Building

We craft a bespoke link-building strategy for your Magento store, targeting high-quality, industry-relevant backlinks. This approach not only strengthens your site's authority but also drives targeted traffic, crucial for boosting your visibility in search engine results.

Keyword Research

Keyword research is pivotal. We identify the keywords your potential customers use, tailoring your Magento store's content and product listings to these searches. This precision helps in attracting a more engaged audience, ready to convert.

Content Marketing

Content marketing for Magento stores involves creating compelling, valuable content tailored to your audience's interests. From product guides to industry insights, our content not only ranks well but also establishes your store as an authority, encouraging engagement and repeat visits.

Our Magento SEO Services Process: Customized Strategies for E-commerce Success

Here’s how it all goes down:

Comprehensive Discovery Session

We start by understanding your business objectives, the unique challenges of your Magento store, and your target market. This initial deep dive helps us tailor our Magento SEO strategies to meet your specific e-commerce goals.

Magento SEO Audit

Leveraging advanced AI-powered tools, we conduct a thorough analysis of your Magento site's SEO health, identifying technical issues, content gaps, and opportunities for optimization to improve your online visibility and search rankings.

Magento SEO Audit

Leveraging advanced AI-powered tools, we conduct a thorough analysis of your Magento site's SEO health, identifying technical issues, content gaps, and opportunities for optimization to improve your online visibility and search rankings.

Custom SEO Strategy Formulation

Based on the audit findings, we develop a bespoke SEO strategy for your Magento store. This strategy is aligned with your business goals, focusing on driving relevant traffic, enhancing user experience, and increasing conversions.

Implementation and Fine-tuning

We apply industry-leading SEO practices tailored to Magento's unique platform, including technical SEO adjustments, on-page optimization, high-quality content creation, and strategic link building to boost your site's performance.

Implementation and Fine-tuning

We apply industry-leading SEO practices tailored to Magento's unique platform, including technical SEO adjustments, on-page optimization, high-quality content creation, and strategic link building to boost your site's performance.

E-commerce SEO Enhancements

Recognizing the importance of local and mobile SEO for e-commerce, we optimize your Magento store for local search visibility and mobile users, ensuring a seamless shopping experience across all devices and improving local search rankings.

Ongoing Performance Monitoring and Reporting

Our team continuously monitors your Magento store's SEO performance, utilizing real-time data to make informed adjustments. We provide detailed, transparent reports on your SEO progress, including traffic, rankings, and conversion metrics, ensuring you're always informed of the value delivered.

Ongoing Performance Monitoring and Reporting

Our team continuously monitors your Magento store's SEO performance, utilizing real-time data to make informed adjustments. We provide detailed, transparent reports on your SEO progress, including traffic, rankings, and conversion metrics, ensuring you're always informed of the value delivered.

Get Started with Grocliq Today

Ready to take your Magento SEO efforts to the next level? Partner with Grocliq and unlock the full potential of your e-commerce website.
See how we're helping
brands get 100% more results

1000 to 3M+ traffic in 11
months: Growth transformation
for a SaaS Company.

Unlocking Organic Growth for an
ed-tech Startup: Traffic Growth
from 25k to 180k

Been burned by other agencies before? Many
of our clients have too.

But believe us when we say that our search engine optimization agency isn’t like other agencies. Really.

Take a look at how we’re different:

Other SEO agencies vs Grocliq


Typical SEO agency

In-house SEO

Results our clients can feel

We focus on the biggest opportunities your business has to quickly grow your search footprint, identifying major shortcomings, low hanging fruit, and giving your team a system to follow for future website updates and production to ensure you only grow when you’re working with us.

Frequently Asked Questions

Magento SEO focuses specifically on optimizing websites built on the Magento e-commerce platform. It entails tailoring strategies to address Magento’s unique architecture, functionalities, and challenges, such as optimizing product pages, managing large inventories, and enhancing user experience within the Magento framework.

The timeline for seeing tangible results from Magento SEO can vary based on several factors, including the competitiveness of your industry, the current state of your website, the effectiveness of the SEO strategies implemented, and the consistency of efforts. Generally, you may start noticing improvements in rankings and traffic within a few weeks to a few months, with more significant gains over time.

While it’s possible to implement basic SEO practices on your own, achieving optimal results with Magento SEO often requires specialized knowledge, experience, and resources. Professional assistance from an experienced Magento SEO agency like Grocliq can ensure that your optimization efforts are strategic, comprehensive, and aligned with best practices, maximizing your chances of success.

Done correctly, Magento SEO should enhance both the performance and user experience of your website. Optimizing for SEO often involves improving site speed, mobile responsiveness, navigation structure, and content quality—all of which contribute to a smoother and more enjoyable browsing experience for visitors, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates.

Measuring the success of your Magento SEO efforts involves tracking various key performance indicators (KPIs), including keyword rankings, organic traffic, conversion rates, bounce rates, and revenue generated from organic search. Tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console provide valuable insights into your website’s performance, allowing you to assess the impact of your SEO strategies and make data-driven optimizations accordingly.

Rated 4.9 / 5 stars




For small business owners and freelancers


For agencies and teams looking to scale up with AI


For mid-sized agencies & marketing teams






Page optimization




Topical authority and Semantic SEO












News Publication and PR

200 Sites

200 Sites

Conversion Rate

Included (2% gurantee)

Included (2% gurantee)

Analysis and Setup

Search Console - Setup & Review

User behaviour and heatmap tool

Ahref Setup

Competitors analysis & Report




Website audit

Google penality check

On-Page SEO





Page optimization




Keywords clustering

Meta Tags Optimization


Schema addon

Shareable Content Recommendations - Service/Blogs

Alt tags



Canonical Recommendations

Image Optimization



Guranteed Publication on News and High Authority Sites



Minimum link. gurantee



Ecommerce SEO

Technical SEO

Robots.txt Creation & Optimization

XML Sitemap Creation & Submission

Topical Authority and Building

Website Technical Audit

Website Technical Audit resolution

Bad Redirects Check

SSL Check


Strategic SEO Consulting Sessions (1hr)

Custom Tracking Dashboard, Weekly Updates, SEO

KPI Reporting


Report Frequency




Keywords Ranking report

Backlink Report

Core Web Vitals Report

Customised KPIs Reporting

Ecommerce Conversion Rate Report

We share what works

Read our industry-leading guides that explain our
approach to the different services we offer.

SEO Handbook

Welcome to our free resource handbook for everything about SEO. We’ve put together various articles to help you turn SEO into a key MRR-driving channel 

Marketing Resources to help your Business

Learn how to market your  business using the same strategies and tactics we use for our clients.

Complete SEO Glossary

Explore the key terms in SEO  through our dynamic Marketing Glossary. Access valuable content crafted around each term, providing real-world insights and experiences.

The Comprehensive Guide To SaaS SEO

delve into the foundational elements of SaaS SEO, exploring what it entails, how it differs from traditional SEO, and its significance in driving business growth for SaaS companies.

We Build Profitable SEO Funnel

Get result-driven SEO Results in Less time with AI-Powered SEO.